
LiftSim is a data science project aimed at improving elevator efficiency and reducing wait times in multi-floor buildings, particularly, S16 building at the National University of Singapore (NUS). By utilizing statistical modeling techniques and simulation software, LiftSim provides valuable insights into elevator performance and management.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Python 3.9 or above installed in your Computer.

How to run our simulation model API using Docker container

1. Install Docker Desktop

2. Please run the following code to run our docker image in your localhost:

docker run --name lift123 -p 9001:5000 -d kevinchs0808/liftsim

Take note that you can change the name ‘lift123’ to any text that you want (without space).

3. Open your Docker Desktop, and check whether the docker container is running


4. How to make a request?

```code python PYTHON

Manual Input from User

test = requests.get(‘’, json=json_data) result = test.json()

Random Dataset Generator

test = requests.get(‘’) result = test.json()

```code javascript 
# Manual Input from User
fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: inputJson,
    headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
      .then(response => response.json())

# Random Dataset Generator
    .then(response => response.json())

5. What is the expected manual user input?

A string format of json data with the following format:

json_data = '''

6. What will the API return for both manual and random requests?

data = {
      'Elevators': elevators_data_otis, 
      'Persons': persons_data_otis
      'Elevators': elevators_data_egcs, 
      'Persons': persons_data_egcs

Note that elevators_data_otis is not a file name, it’s the JSON data inside the file.